Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of four wild leafy vegetables from the Agboville region (Southern Côte d’Ivoire)

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Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of four wild leafy vegetables from the Agboville region (Southern Côte d’Ivoire)

Bediakon Bini Kouakou Denis, Beugre Grah Avit-Maxwell, Bouatene Djakalia, Koffi Pierre Valery Niaba
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.15( 3), 21-27, September 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Wild leafy vegetables are an integral part of eating habits in Africa and have the advantage of being cheaper and available. This study aimed to determine the physicochemical properties of some leafy vegetables. Myrianthus arboreus (Wognonibou), Sesamum radiatum (Ahirôh), Justicia galeopsis (Assiacriba) and Solanum americanum (Débé) have been considered. The parameters determined were water content, fiber, fat, protein, carbohydrate, energy value and minerals. The results showed that they all had high water content (86.88 to 91.43%). Sesamum radiatum having the highest moisture content. For the other components, crude fiber ranged from 42.09mg /100 g to 51.78mg/100g, protein from 18.39 to 31.29mg/100g, carbohydrates 13.08 to 25.16mg/100g, fat from 1.18 to 1.35mg /100g. the dietary energy value ranged from 118.43Kcal/100g to 148.9Kcal/100g dry matter. As for minerals, the potassium content varied from 1804.52 to 2433.88mg/100g, calcium from 608.68mg/100g to 1348.78mg/100g, phosphorus content from 231.26mg/100g to 479.50mg/100g, magnesium from 175.55 to 550.56mg/100g, iron from 8.19mg/100g to 36.03mg/100g and zinc from 6.02 to 25.61mg/100g. This study indicates that these leafy vegetables have varied and complementary compositions. It is therefore important to vary their uses and especially to combine them for food in order to fight against malnutrition.


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