In vivo study of the use of Thymus vulgaris essential oil in avian therapy

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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In vivo study of the use of Thymus vulgaris essential oil in avian therapy

Merazi Yahya, Hammadi Kheira, Tou Abdenacer
Int. J. Biosci.13( 2), 200-211, August 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


An in-vivo therapeutic trial based on the essential oil, in order to solve the antibiotic resistance problem in ISA15 strain chickens. Escherichia coli choose for this study has a resistance to several antibiotics of veterinary interest. The study of antimicrobial activity by aromatogram of Thymus vulgaris oil, gave diameters of inhibitions between 13.33 and 35.33 with a large inhibitory effect. The LD50 calculate of EO is 4500mg/kg. The macrodilution method in a liquid medium made it possible to obtain a MIC of 5μl/mL with a bactericidal effect. Four groups were prepared (control); G II (oral receipt of 450mg/kg/day essential oil for five days); G III (intramuscularly received 0.1ml of an inoculum of 88.107CFU/ml of E. coli) G IV (received intramuscularly 0.1ml of an inoculum of 88.107CFU/ml of E. coli then treated with a dose of 450mg/kg/day orally for five days). The limits of the usual values ​​were calculated for the main biochemical and hematological parameters. The differences statistically assessed versus placebo, group GIII recorded a significant disturbance (P <0.05) for blood glucose, CRP, GB, ASAT and ALAT. While the GIV group has recorded a significant disruption for blood glucose, CRP, ASAT and creatinine. Group III recorded lesions of different organs (liver, air sacs, pericarditis) of an average (m ± esm) of 10.60 ± 0.50 larger than that of Group IV 3.60 ± 1.28, which statistically shows a significant difference between two samples t = 5.052 (p <0.05). Group III recorded 80% of deaths, double the IV group. No mortalities and lesions were reported to groups I and II. In this work, we have demonstrated the importance of the essential oil of T. vulgaris as an antimicrobial agent and as an alternative to improve some hematological and biochemical parameters in broiler chickens.


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