Molecular characterization of colicinogenic E.coli inhibitory to E.coli O157:H7 and E.coli O26:H11

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Molecular characterization of colicinogenic E.coli inhibitory to E.coli O157:H7 and E.coli O26:H11

Hira Mushtaq, Jehan Bakht, Ibrar Khan, Soniya Amir, Bashir Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 379-391, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Bacteriocinogenic microbial species are considered as an emerging alternative to antibiotics due to their enhanced prophylaxis against invading pathogens. Commensal E.coli, from human, cattle and sheep, was examined for its ability to competitively exclude closely related species in-vitro and the antimicrobials released were analyzed. E.coli isolates (n=513) screened for anti–E.coli O157:H7 and O26:H11 activity in-vitro and the release of colicins. Among all, 9.3% colicinogenic E.coli inhibited the growth of these pathogen species. Colicin gene detection showed that col E6 (77%) andIb (64%) were most frequently occurring colicins in inhibitory E.coli followed by colE7 (52%), E4 (58%),Ia (27%), J (37%), M (27%), S4(18%) and E3 (18%). Other colicins (col A, D, E1, E2, E5, E8, E9 and col 10) were less frequently detected whereas col B, K and 5 were not detected in any E.coli isolates. Phylogeney of these colicinogenic E.coli classified isolates as 47% B2, 16% B1, 16% D1, 10% A1 and 8.3% A0 E.coli. Virulence gene detection and 16SrDNA sequencing confirmed15 non-pathogenic E.coli strains which also showed sensitivity to commonly used antibiotics and were lacking siderophore activity.The study concludes that the potential role of E.coli in human and animalgut is to competitively exclude invading pathogens. Thus, non-virulent colicininogenicE.coli can be suggested for further detailed studies, both in-vitro and in-vivo, to be used as probiotics.


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