Nutritional content of certain indigenous vegetables for food insecurity and malnutrition reduction in Kiambu County, Kenya

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Nutritional content of certain indigenous vegetables for food insecurity and malnutrition reduction in Kiambu County, Kenya

Constantin Dushimimana, Mathieu Nemerimana, Pierre C. Gatarira, Jean Pierre M. Habineza, John K. Mungai
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 4), 64-69, April 2018.
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Indigenous vegetables are important for food insecurity, malnutrition reduction and therapeutic in sub-Saharan Africa countries. Most of indigenous vegetables are tolerant to climate change variability than exotic vegetables. In most of developing countries, indigenous vegetables are underutilized or neglected where some nutritional content are known and others are unknown. Leaves are the most preferred parts of indigenous vegetables for consumption. The study was conducted to evaluate nutritional content (protein and minerals) in leaves and young stems of six indigenous vegetables sold in local market, Kiambu County, Kenya. The results showed that minerals and protein content in indigenous vegetables significantly differ depend on vegetables types and parts. Spider plant had highest protein content (32.33%) relative to other vegetables analyzed. Mean moisture ranged from 82.11% African nightshade to 90.77% African kale and 82.33% slender leaf to 90.30% spider plant respectively in leaves and young stems. The highest minerals content per kg (DW) were recorded as follows: African nightshade (256.3mg Na), slender leaf (991mg Fe), spider plant (483.3mg P), Malabar spinach (3867mg K), African nightshade (3491mg Ca) and African kale 1259mg Mg). The results from current study showed that indigenous vegetables are good sources of protein and minerals which can reduce malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies and also improve food security in climate change scenario. It recommended that young stem should be consumed together with leaves to increase nutrients content in daily diet and also reduce nutrient wastage.

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