Nutritional potential of three lesser-consumed wild leafy vegetables of the North-West region of Cameroon

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Nutritional potential of three lesser-consumed wild leafy vegetables of the North-West region of Cameroon

Solange Bih Achou, Quentin Metsatedem Tongwa, Alex Dimitri Tchuenchieu, Noela Etame Ekaney Ntube, Solange Atud Enjei, Romelle Feumba Dibanda, Gabriel Medoua Nama, Agatha Tanya
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.14( 6), 8-15, June 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The rate of malnutrition stands at 39% in the North West Region of Cameroon. One way of tackling this problem is by promoting the consumption of indigenous wild vegetables. In this study, the nutritional potential of three lesser-consumed wild leafy vegetables (Xymalos monospora, Mentha longifolia and Amaranthus sp.) available throughout the year in the North West Region of Cameroon was investigated using standard methods of analysis. The results showed that Xymalos monospora, Mentha longifolia and Amaranthus sp. were appreciable sources of macronutrients like proteins (12.23 ± 0.82, 10.34 ± 0.31 and 7.81 ± 0.01% dw respectively), lipids (13.32 ± 0.87, 14.67 ± 0.75, 14.16 ± 1.44% dw respectively), and carbohydrates (17.73 ± 0.01, 27.05 ± 3.90, 20.13 ± 1.59% dw respectively). They contained also Vitamin C and exhibited provitamin A activities. The mineral contents in Xymalos monospora, Mentha longifolia and Amaranthus sp. revealed appreciable levels of iron (12.81 ± 1.38, 80.34 ± 1.62 and 55.76 ± 2.74 mg/100gdw), of zinc (4.21 ± 0.23, 8.23 ± 0.08 and 11.57 ± 0.31mg/100gdw), of copper (20.41 ± 1.46, 11.78 ± 1.21 and 15.62 ± 2.88 mg/100gdw) and of sodium (3.05 ± 0.16, 5.52 ± 0.37 and 8.11 ± 0.10 mg/100gdw). The levels of anti-nutrients namely tannins, oxalates, hydrogen cyanides and phytates were far below the toxic levels. Xymalos monospora, Mentha longifolia and Amaranthus sp., these lesser-known and hence lesser-consumed wild leafy vegetables have a good nutritional potential and their consumption should be greatly encouraged to fight against malnutrition.


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