Search Results for : seed germination

Use of culture filtrates of Trichoderma strains as a biological control agent against Colletotrichum capsici causing Anthracnose fruit rot disease of chili

Culture filtrates of five Trichoderma strains viz. Trichoderma virens IMI-392430, T. pseudokoningii IMI-392431, T. harzianum IMI-392432, T. harzianum IMI-392433 and T. harzianum IMI-392434 were used as seed treatments aloneand in combination with culture filtrates of Colletotrichum capsici, to assay their efficacy in suppressing Anthracnose fruit rot disease and promoting chili plant growth and yield, under […]

Analyzing winter wheat’s drought stress tolerance via in-vitro and in-vivo screening

Occurrences of osmotic stress have profound impacts on global wheat production. Drought may be a global issue, in any wheat-producing region that can cause severe osmotic stress. In this study, a comparative study of drought tolerance screening techniques in vitro and in vivo was conducted using fifteen winter wheat cultivars. Under in-vitro screening, for simulating […]

Nutrient limitations of the edible sprouts: A review

In recent times people are quite aware of health and nutrition. Both fibers and proteins play an effective role in human nutrition. Even though animal meat contains more protein than plant protein, it is devoid of fibers’. However, plant sources found to be contain both protein and fibers in high amounts. The seeds are good […]

Induced mutagenesis in Green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)

Induced mutagenesis was carried out in an important protein rich pulse crop (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). The seeds of green gram variety Co-6 were treated with different concentrations of sodium azide. The mutagen treated seeds were sown in the field to observe M1 characteristics. The sodium azide treated seeds were subjected to amino acid analysis. […]

Phenolic compound and herbicidal activity of Rosa canina L. leaf and stem extracts

This study proposes the evaluation of the phenolic composition of leaves and stems extracts of Rosa canina (Dog rose) and their herbicidal abilities measured using assays of germination rate (G) and germination speed (GI) of lactuca sativa (Lettuce), phalaris truncata and raphanus raphanistrum seeds and assays of its seedling growth. Leaves and stems of dog […]