Search Results for : seed germination

Propagation of Ternstroemia cameroonensis: an approach towards the conservation of a critically endangered medicinal plant species in the Lebialem highlands, Cameroon

This study was carried out to investigate the regeneration potential of Ternstroemia cameroonensis Cheek. a critically endangered medicinal plant in the Lebialem Highlands, Cameroon by seeds and stem cuttings. Air dried seeds were subjected to abrasion with sand paper, soaked in hot water and 98% concentrated sulphuric acid at various duration. Seeds pre-treated with 98% […]

Growth and survivability of different mangrove species as influenced by rooting hormone

The study was conducted under protective environment of Barangay Amunitan, Gonzaga Cagayan from October, 2018 until March, 2019. Generally, the study was established to determine the growth and survival of different mangrove species as influenced by rooting hormones. Specifically, the study aimed to determine the average germination rate of the seeds (%), average seedling emergence […]

Impact of planting date and row spacing on growth, yield and quality of Soybean; A Review

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is recognized as the “Golden bean” of the 21st century. The global rising demand of soybean is owing to its inimitable composition, outstanding dietetic value and health benefits. However, soybean grain yield is extremely less than regarding its yield potential. Main factors that reduce its yield are climate unevenness, inappropriate […]

Changes in nutrient content, phytate and soluble sugar production during cereal malting processing for hydrolytic enzymes development in infants’ complementary foods

The traditional cereal malting process presents some biochemical modifications occurring in seeds. The malted red sorghum and maize were selected as a function of the ability of the malt flour to fluidify high energy density porridge. The red sorghum and maize seeds were malted in laboratory by traditional cereal malting process. Samples were collected after […]

Physiological and biochemical changes in Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. due to nickel stress

Environmental pollution due to industrial, mining and agricultural activity as well as transportation, leads to production of high amounts of contaminants like heavy metals into surface water and soils which ultimately leaches to ground water and also affects the biosphere. In the present investigation, germination study was conducted in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] In […]

Comparative performance of wheat sowing machinery in wheat-rice cropping system

Management of combine harvested paddy residue in field though conventional method is becoming an environmental concern to soil health, transport and surrounding population living in the area of wheat-rice cropping system of province Punjab, Pakistan. In common, cultivators prefer to burn their paddy field as an easy and cost effective method of residue disposal. Burning […]