Search Results for : seed germination

Influence of Rhizobium inoculation on nodules, growth and yield of french beans cultivars

To study the influence of Rhizobium inoculation on nodules, growth and yield of French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars, an experiment was conducted at National Tea and High value crops research Institute (NTHRI) Shinkiari, Mansehra during 2016. Seeds of three different cultivars of French bean i.e ‘Evergreen’, ‘Komal green’ and ‘Winner’ were inoculated with Rhizobium […]

Estimation of Genetic Diversity among Oat Genotypes through Agro-morphological Traits

During the present study diverse germplasm comprising 124 oat accessions including three checks was evaluated for various quantitative agro-morphological traits in the research field of PGRI, NARC, Islamabad during the year 2013-14. The principal objective of the research was to study the magnitude of genetic diversity and relationships between different genotypes and to identify promising […]

Allelopathic effect of some tree fruits on wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

An experiment was conducted to determine the allelopathic potentials of fruits of different plant species on the germination of wan heat variety Pir Sabaq 2005. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and four replications. The aqueous solution of fruits of three plant species including Eucalyptus camaldulensi, Melia azedarach […]

Propagation protocol of Pteris vittata L. using spores for phytoremediation

Pteris vittata has been reported to be a hyperaccumulator of arsenic, and therefore useful in phytoremediation to clean-up arsenic-contaminated soils. Although factors for successful germination of spores have been identified, but information concerning the whole range of steps involved in mass propagating the fern is lacking. Thus, the study was aimed to develop a propagation […]

Tetraploid monogerm lines as maternal components of sugar beet hybrids

Tetraploid monogerm lines of sugar beet with pollen sterility and their hybrid combinations with diploid multigerm pollinators are the object of the present study. Data received for the sterility of the lines and the percentage of the hybrids in their progeny confirm the thesis, that almost a full hybridization is obtained in this type of […]

Qualities of monogerm male-sterile sugar beet lines

The majority of the commercial varieties of sugar beet in Europe are hybrids, based on monogerm diploid male-sterile females and multigerm diploid and tetraploid pollinators. The aim of the present study is by testing the basic biological qualities of recently created male-sterile sugar beet lines (male sterility, monogermity, seeds germination), and the combination of productivity […]

Response of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) to different levels of Ece and SAR

Salinity is a wide spread environmental stress that reduces the agricultural productivity of arid and semi-aridareas of the world. A three years pot trial was performed to study the tolerance of pharmaceutical plant i.e. black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) towards combined effect of electrical conductivity (ECe) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)at its germination, vegetative growth […]