Search Results for : seed germination

Morpho-physiological characterization of cultivated rice (Oryza spp.) during early vegetative growth under different soil water conditions

In rainfed rice cultivation, weeds, low or no fertiliser inputs and no water control can be production constraints. Vegetative early vigor may favour weed competitiveness. Since Oryza glaberrima is considered as genetic resources for this characteristic, growth analyses of three lines were made from seeds to juvenile plants of 35 days after seed soaking (DAS) […]

Role of new novel entomopathogenic fungi Paecilomyces lilacinus to mortality and infection process of Tetrancyhus kanzawai (Kishida) (Tetranychidae: Acarina)

P. lilacinus is a common soil hyphomycete with a cosmopolitan distribution. Since Its characteristic has similarity with Metarhizium and Beauveria, it is assumed that it can be effective as well Metarhizium and Beauveria . The experiment was conducted in the Green house with papaya plant. The papaya seedlings were hand-sprayed with suspension with a density […]

Effect of fly ash on growth and yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Fly ash, the notorious waste product of coal based thermal power plants, rich in micro and macronutrients and has the potential to improve the physical and chemical properties of soil. With this concept, a field experiment was carried out to find out the efficacy of the fly ash for agriculture. Fly ash from NALCO CPP, […]

Effect of foliarly applied potassium on Capsicum Annuum L. grown under sodium chloride stress

Salinity is one of the environmental factors that has a critical influence on the germination and plant establishment. In present study, two independent experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of salinity and potassium on germination, seedling establishment and growth of Capsicum annuum L. A range of sodium chloride concentrations control (non-saline), 60mM NaCl (EC=8.5mS/cm), […]

Risks associated with dry soil planting time in Ethiopia

Dry soil planting is practiced in response to variable rainfall onset in Ethiopia to maximize use of the full season. Rainfall data of >30 years for seven locations were used to evaluate dry soil planting opportunities on Vertisols. Three rainfall related risks were evaluated: (i) seed lies in dry soil without imbibing water for >20 […]