Search Results for : seed germination

Early growth stages structure and distribution of Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuven in a logging concession of South – East Cameroon

Pericopsis elata (Harms) van Meeuwen is a tropical Africa’s timber of high economic value. In many countries its low natural regeneration rate does not favor the replacement of harvested populations, thus CITES and IUCN recommended a total protection of the species. This survey aimed to characterize the early growth stages and natural regeneration of P. […]

Identification and Study of cis regulatory elements and phylogenetic relationship of TaSRG and other salt response genes

Salt stress is the major limiting factor in agriculture that affects on all developmental stages including germination, seedling and vegetative stages. Under salt stress, induce the expression of many plant genes. These genes encode the defending proteins, and regulatory proteins that regulate the stress signal transduction. The TFs interact with cis-elements in the promoter regions […]

The study of adaptability and results of medicinal plants cultivation in the conditions of Fars province collection

This research was aimed at studying economical and functional considerations, creating live gene bank of medicinal plants (collection) as well as investigation of collective cultivation and breeding of aborigine and exotic species for scientific and investigative considerations to be applied in educational, investigative, and administrative situations. It also was aimed at preventing the genetic extinction […]

Phytoavailability of chromium in Triticum Aestivum in natural and synthetically fertilized soil irrigated with hudiara drain wastewater, Lahore

The present study compares the phytoavailability of chromium (Cr) in the presence of natural (kitchen compost) and synthetic (commercially available urea) fertilizers in Triticum aestivum. To achieve this, the contaminated water was collected from selected sites of Hudiara drain following random sampling technique. The collected water samples were combined to give homogeneous mixture of representative […]

Responses of slenderleaf rattlebox (Crotalaria ochroleuca) to water deficit

Water deficit affects plant growth and development thus affecting crop productivity. It is the major a biotic stress experienced in the vast semi arid and arid regions of Kenya and the world as a whole. Water deficit mainly causes reduction in plant growth and development. Crotalaria ochroleuca is an important indigenous leafy vegetable which is […]

Physiochemical variations in soil and behavioral changes in growth pattern of lentil in response to application of fertilizer factory effluent

Owing to its economic aspect, the trend of using industrial effluent to irrigate agricultural crops is gaining popularity in Pakistan. This study was carried out to gauge the possible effects of fertilizer factory effluent on the chemical properties of soil and growth performance of lentil (lens culinaris) crop. Four different concentrations of fertilizer factory effluent […]

Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of different organs of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retrofelexus L.) on summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.)

In order to demonstrate the allelopathic effects of different organs (root, shoot and whole plant) of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retrofelexus L.) on germination, emergence, growth and development of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) under laboratory and greenhouse conditionan experiment was carried out as CRD design with nine and five replications at laboratory and greenhouse of […]