Search Results for : species

Effect of crude oil spillage on plant species and diversity

This study assessed the impact of crude oil spill in Amukpe, Niger Delta of Nigeria after two years of recorded incidence. Field reconnaissance, physicochemical parameters and heavy metal concentration in plant samples were used to assess the adverse effects of the spill on the vegetation.  In this study, a total of 1437 plant species distributed […]

Diversity of the fungal flora associated with the white cochineal Parlatoria blanchardi Targ. (Himiptera-Diaspididae) in the palm groves of the Ouargla region, and determination of the pathogenicity of some fungal species

The inventory of fungi associated with the white cochineal is an essential step in the possible microbiological control of this pest. A total of 16 fungal species belonging to 11 genera were inventoried on white cochineal infesting four date palm cultivars, namely Deglet-Nour and Ghars, Degla beidha and Hamraya. The infection rate of cochineal by […]

Species distribution and Abundance of Shipworms in the mangrove ecosystem along Pitogo Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines

Shipworms are specialized bivalves found in brackish environments where productivity is high such as mangrove forests. They are adapted for burrowing into wood substrates, which they efficiently and rapidly decompose and consume. Nonetheless, the information given to the activity of shipworms in transporting nutrients from mangroves to the adjacent area is limited. Thus, in acquiring […]

Protecting species diversity and ecological structure in relation to sustainable development goals (SDGs) 14 and 15. A scoping review

The paper explored and highlighted evolving science, technologies, current improvements, and emerging techniques that are being employed to protect species diversity and their ecological structures in relation to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 14 and 15. A desktop review of literature on protection of species diversity and ecological structure was conducted. For the desktop review, Preferred […]

Detection of methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus species from clinical samples

Staphylococcus aureus that are resistant to many antibiotics are known as as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Infections caused by MRSA can cause severe infection especially in immunocompromised individuals. Compared to ordinary Staphylococcus infections, MRSA infectios are more difficult to treat. This is because the strains of staphylococcus known as MRSA do not respond well to […]

First report of the parasitic infection in two snail species from Burkina Faso water bodies

Trematodiases are important yet neglected tropical diseases, caused by trematode parasites with a multi-host life cycle, which typically involves a snail intermediate host. The many knowledge gaps regarding the trematode life cycles, pathology, and epidemiology complicate effective control. This work was initiated to inventory parasites as part of the “One Health” initiative, where human and […]

Population dynamics of 15 fish species in Grand-Lahou lagoon (West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire)

This study described growth, mortality, recruitment patterns and exploitation rates of 15 fish species in Grand-Lahou lagoon (Côte d’Ivoire). Monthly length-frequency data collected from artisanal fisheries from November 2013 to October 2014 were analyzed with FiSAT software using the ELEFAN package to estimate the population parameters of fishes. Asymptotic values for total length (L∞) ranged […]

Anthropogenic noise reduces bird species richness and diversity along a Rur-urban gradient: A case study from a city in central India during nationwide lockdown amid COVID-19

Urbanization is increasing rapidly in all parts of the world to accommodate the increasing human population but it is having a drastic effect on native flora and fauna. The present study was carried out across a three stage urbanization gradient in and around the city of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. Observations were made from September 2019 to […]