Phenotypic identification of Candida species from various clinical samples in a resource limited setting

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Phenotypic identification of Candida species from various clinical samples in a resource limited setting

Ajitha Reddy Edula, Pasupuleti Supriya Sree
Int. J. Micro. Myco.15( 4), 1-10, October 2022.
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Candidiasis is worldwide in distribution, and is one of the common fungal diseases isolated in man, which affects the skin, mucosa and various internal organs. It is caused by various species of Candida, which is a yeast-like fungi that produce pseudohyphae. Speciation helps to understand the epidemiology of Candida species particularly, the source and mode of transmission of resistant pathogens. Various commercially available chromogenic agar medium has been studied and evaluated for presumptive identification of various species of Candida. The present study was conducted for a duration of 12 months from the month of July 2019 to the month of July 2020, in the Department of Microbiology at a medical college in Siddipet, with prior approval of institutional ethics committee. The present study was aimed at isolating and identifying the Candida species from various clinical samples by using chromogenic media for easy and rapid speciation in addition to the time consuming and labour-intensive conventional methods. Among the Candida isolates the most frequently isolated species was found to be Candida albicans. In the present study non-albicans Candida (NAC) (50.91%) had predominance over Candida albicans (49.09%). In our study, an increase in the number of cases caused by NAC was noted though the most common species isolated was Candida albicans. CHROMagar was found to be a simple, easy and also a rapid method for Candida species detection. It considerably reduced the turn-around-time.

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