Study of the conflict potential and the parties in the utilization of forest areas in the consession of iuphhk-ht pt. Inhutani ii tanah grogot regency

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Study of the conflict potential and the parties in the utilization of forest areas in the consession of iuphhk-ht pt. Inhutani ii tanah grogot regency

Adi Witoyo Eko Saputra, Mahrus Aryadi, Hafizianoor, Hamdani Fauzi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 4), 200-206, October 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Forest and land conflicts have emerged in Indonesia in recent years. More than 20% of the forest area is affected in large part due to disputes over permits for mining, industrial plantations or oil palm plantations. Methods in identifying conflicts using the rapid land tenure assessment (RaTA) method. This research was conducted with the aim to examine the potential for conflict in the utilization of forest areas in the PT IUPHHK-HT concession. Inhutani II, Tanah Grogot. The results of this study obtained 4 potential conflicts such as Conflict between PT. Inhutani II with PT. Sinabangun Agro Pertiwi and PT. Saraswanti uses a pattern of arbitration conflict resolution, namely legal settlement but outside the general court process, a conflict between PT. Inhutani II with PT. Kencana Inti Agro with conflict resolution negotiation patterns, conflicts between companies and community cultivators with facilitation resolution patterns of resolving conflicts, conflicts between companies and capitalists with ligitation conflict resolution patterns. Litigation Settlement needs to be taken to emphasize those who violate the law. The owners of capital play behind the scenes as intellectual actors who control forest encroachment activities, so law enforcement needs to be done so as not to become more violent.

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