The formulation and application of entomophatogenic fungi to infect mosquito

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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The formulation and application of entomophatogenic fungi to infect mosquito

Liestiana Indriyati, Salamiah, Luthfi Fatah, Eko Suhartono
Int. J. Micro. Myco.7( 4), 16-24, July 2018.
Certificate: IJMM 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Entomophatogenic fungi is a potential bioinsecticide that hopely can handle the mosquito vector borne diseases and the insecticide resistant problems in all the world. Study of literature about entomophatogenic fungi include kinds of fungi, the quality of conidia, the carrier or formulation, method of application was held to get information and understanding about entomophatogenic fungi. Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Aspergilus sp were the popular entomophatogenic fungi that oil formulation have been known as the good formulation to infect entomophatogenic fungi to mosquito. Some method application were tried to infect the entomophatogenic fungi to mosquito and yield a different result but ovitrap could be a good consideration to used based on the capability to infect all stage of mosquito and can be modified appropriate by the bionomic of target species.


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