Open Access Research Paper
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Perceptions of hotel and restaurant operators on the use of biogas produced from organic waste as a source of energy in the district of Abomey-Calavi in Benin

Hervé Kouessivi Janvier Bokossa, Francine Abiola, Armelle Sabine Yélignan Hounkpatin, Anastasie Ahissin, Daouda Orou Bello, Parfait Djossou, Roch Christian Johnson
Int. J. Biosci.24( 5), 151-160, May 2024.
Open Access Research Paper
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Rhizobial biofertilizers and Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdcourt) production: Unveiling the synergistic potential for growth and yield in Benin’s challenging the sub-humid zone of Benin

Mahougnon Charlotte Carmelle Zoundji, Sètondji Martin Tovizounkou, Tobi Moriaque Akplo, Arcadius Martinien Agassin Ahogle, Ibouraïman Balogoun, Felix Alladassi Kouelo, Appolinaire Adandonon, Pascal Houngnandan
Int. J. Biosci.24( 5), 138-150, May 2024.
Open Access Research Paper
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