Egg production and egg quality of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) fed with commercial ration substituted with varying levels of madre de agua (Tricanthera gigantea) leaf meal

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Egg production and egg quality of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) fed with commercial ration substituted with varying levels of madre de agua (Tricanthera gigantea) leaf meal

Niña Mae R. Villar, Ricardo G. Villar, Maria Luz L. Soriano, Myrna G. Ballentes
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 6), 91-100, June 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to determine the egg production and egg quality of Japanese Quails fed with commercial ration substituted with varying levels of Madre de Agua leaf meal. A total of 48 ready to lay Japanese quails were used in the study. These were weighed and separated to their respective components which are the egg shell, egg yolk, and albumin. Yolk pigmentation was graded based on the yolk color fan. Non- significant differences were observed among treatment rations with varying levels of Madre de Agua leaf meal in percent egg production, total feed consumption, feed conversion efficiency, total egg weight and average initial weight. The average egg albumin and average egg shell were slightly heavier in layer 10% Madre de Agua but these are not significantly different which implies that Madre de Agua leaf meal have better egg production, feed efficiency, weight of egg albumin, egg weight an egg shell which indicated that providing 10% Madre de Agua leaf meal in the quail’s diet resulted to better performance in above parameters. Results on average egg weight however were significant (P<0.05) with those in treatment 3 (10% Madre de Agua leaf meal) significantly heavier compared to other treatments. Average egg yolk weight, average final weight and egg yolk pigmentation showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) among the treatment means. Egg yolks were highly and significantly heavier and the final weights were heaviest in quail layers fed with 10% Madre de Agua leaf meal substitution.


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