Leaf flavonoids of Convolvulus L. species in Markazi Province, Iran

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Leaf flavonoids of Convolvulus L. species in Markazi Province, Iran

Batoul Bahrami, Mitra Noori, Amir Mousavi, Ahmad Khalighi, Aliashraf Jafari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 88-96, June 2015.
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In order to study the leaf flavonoids pattern of Convolvulus leaves in 12 populations from four species (C. arvensis, C. commutatus, C. lineatus and C. pilosellaefolius) originated from Markazi Province, Iran, two-dimensional paper chromatography (2-DPC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) were used. Results indicated that the leaves contained flavonoid sulfates and flavones C and C-/O glycosides, quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin, myricetin, rhamnetin, rutin, apigenin, chrysin, luteolin, vitexin, genistein, hesperidin and naringenin. All of C. arvensis populations and one C. commutus population (CBB9) had morin while the rest lacked. Tricine was not found in any of the taxa and Quercetin was the most found flavonoid. There was not any aglycone in the studied populations with the exception of C. lineatus. It seems that the aglycone pattern is useful for the separation of C. lineatus species from the rest.


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