Search Results for : Tanzania

Accessibility of agricultural knowledge and information by rural farmers in Tanzania- A review

Appropriate agricultural knowledge and information are among important tools in agricultural sector development in Tanzania. The traditional information flow is set to be moving from knowledge creating organs (KCOs) such as research institutions and universities to consumers of the knowledge (COKs) who are mainly farmers. To increase penetrability of the information, there exist a special […]

Human population growth as indicator for human-elephant conflicts in Rombo area, Tanzania

Conservationists need detailed information on human population growth and distribution in areas adjacent to protected areas. This information can help determine land use/land cover changes (LULCC), which affect the quality and quantity of elephant habitat and, thus, elephant populations. We assessed the influence of human population trends on demographic characteristics on the African elephant (Loxodonta […]

Genetic diversity of maize landraces from Tanzania as compared with commercial improved varieties and elite lines through morphological characterization

Maize production challenges require well-known genetic diversity to ensure effective improvement. The study aimed at conducting morphological evaluation on 50 maize landraces from Tanzania compared with 7 commercial varieties and 11 elite lines from CIMMYT, Kenya. The experiments were conducted in randomized complete block design at three locations in Arusha region, Tanzania. Data were collected […]

Invasive plants: ecological effects, status, management challenges in Tanzania and the way forward

Over decades invasive plants have been exerting negative pressure on native vascular plant’s and hence devastating the stability and productivity of the receiving ecosystem. These effects are usually irreversible if appropriate strategies cannot be taken immediately after invasion, resulting in high cost of managing them both in rangelands and farmlands. With time, these non-edible plant […]

Above-ground carbon stock in a forest subjected to decadal frequent fires in western Tanzania

Gradual increase in atmospheric temperature due to elevated levels of greenhouse gases has become a global agenda. Of these gases, carbon dioxide is the most predominant accounting for more than half of the atmospheric warming. Conveniently, forests and woodlands are important sinks of carbon through sequestration which involves carbon dioxide capture and storage. Miombo woodlands […]

The role of incentive mechanisms in wildlife management: A case study of Moyowosi Game Reserve and Serengeti National park, Tanzania

This study aims to determine the efforts devoted in managing wildlife in national parks and game reserves in Tanzania. Specifically, the study focused on evaluating the population and poaching trends of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in these protected areas that follow under two different management regimes. Furthermore the study identified sources of market failure and […]

Responses of large wetland birds to human disturbances: results from experimental bird approaches in areas with different protection status in western Tanzania

Flight distances are quite often used to establish wildlife responses to humans. It is generally hypothesised that animals in protected areas are more sensitive to approaching humans than in areas where animals may coexist with humans at high densities. But this hypothesis may not hold true if animals are persecuted. A field experiment was designed […]

Monotonous Cereal-based Complementary Feeding Contribute to Aflatoxin Exposure in Children

This study assessed the diversity of food used in complementary feeding, their risk to aflatoxins (AF) contamination and subsequent children’s exposure. A total of 290 children aged between 6-24 months from ten villages in Singida District, Tanzania was studied. Their mothers were interviewed on infant feeding practices and handling of food crops using a structured […]