Prospects of post-harvest processing of fruit, A review

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Prospects of post-harvest processing of fruit, A review

Mohammad Aurangzeb, Zia-Ul-Haq, Hamza Muneer Asam, Talha Mehmood, Sohail Raza Haidree
Int. J. Biosci.17( 1), 194-200, July 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Harvested fruits require sufficient postharvest processing before and after reaping. Increased production needs more conservation and preservation practices. In under developed countries large amounts of fruit loss from production to consumption due to poor post-harvest practices. Holding of fruit in storage at farm is becoming necessary practice. Storage under the proper conditions permits the holding of the fruit in a high quality state throughout the storage period, thus providing a regulated supply of the fruit during the winter and spring following the harvesting. When fruit is picked from the trees, it continues to carry on the process on respiration which is characteristic of all living organisms. Oxygen is necessary for respiration, reducing oxygen contents of the air and increasing the carbon dioxide content is one method of reducing rate of respiration and increasing storage life of fruit. The reaction will continue until fruit becomes overripe, soft and unpalatable. The purpose of the storage is to provide a suitable atmosphere that will slow down this process. Wastage of fruit decreases the per capita accessibility of organic products. It is necessary to build up innovations in postharvest to increase life quality and year-round availability of fruit. This paper talks about normal nevertheless significant postharvest advancements to keep up the nature of organic products.


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