Sensory evaluation of blue Ternate (Clitoria ternatea) juice concentrate

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Research Paper 17/03/2023
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Sensory evaluation of blue Ternate (Clitoria ternatea) juice concentrate

Mitchie M. Roa, Aler L. Pagente, Pelmar M. Acosta, Nadeth R. Leopoldo
Int. J. Biosci.22( 3), 56-61, March 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Blue ternate flowers gain growing attention due to its various health benefits. These are commonly used to produce fresh juices or teas which have relatively low shelf-life. Using descriptive research design, this study aims to develop blue ternate juice concentrate and evaluate its sensory attributes in terms of taste, color/appearance, smell and texture based on a 9-point Hedonic scale. The study revealed that the blue ternate juice concentrate is an extremely acceptable product with a weighted mean of 8.64 for taste, 8.76 for color/appearance, 8.60 for smell, and 8.58 for texture, resulting in an overall weighted mean of 8.65. The researchers suggest that further analyses on its nutritional contents and shelf-life life might be conducted for quality assurance prior to commercialization.


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