Statistical control of suitability of protein/fat ratio in raw milk obtained from different Season for production of Cheddar cheese

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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Statistical control of suitability of protein/fat ratio in raw milk obtained from different Season for production of Cheddar cheese

Alirıza Şahin, Murat Çimen
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 1), 224-227, July 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Data of study was obtained from a milk company in Tekirdağ province of Turkey during autumn, winter, spring and summer seasons. This is the first statistical study to investigate the suitability of milk protein/fat (P/F) ratio for Cheddar cheese production during different seasons in conventional milk. The milk P/Fratios of season were compared with the Cheddar cheese reference value (0.91). The P/Fratio of milk collected from autumn, winter and spring period was suitable for Cheddar cheese production. Whereas P/F levelof summer season was not suitable for Cheddar cheese production. From the findings, we can say that Cheddar cheese can be made for all season except summer period, unfortunately Cheddar cheese is not suitable for hot conditions. The results show that P/F ratios in conventional milk obtained from different seasons for quality production of Cheddar cheese is so important. The dairy producers should consider about p/F rates in milk obtained from different season for achieving suitable production of Cheddar cheese.


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