The presence of zoonotic protozoans and nematodes on contaminated street food dipping Sauce in Tangub City, Mindanao, Philippines

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Research Paper 16/01/2023
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The presence of zoonotic protozoans and nematodes on contaminated street food dipping Sauce in Tangub City, Mindanao, Philippines

Ronnamae Daniela Diva, Angelie Mangyao, Kent Cyril Villantez, Ferlyn Logronio
Int. J. Micro. Myco.16( 1), 9-18, January 2023.
Certificate: IJMM 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Street food consumption has been a popular staple food in both developed and underdeveloped countries including the Philippines. These street foods were commonly dipped into different sauces like soy sauce, ketchup, and vinegar to improve flavor and moisture. In many cases, these dipping sauces can be contaminated with zoonotic protozoans and nematodes because of improper sanitation practices by the vendors and consumers as well as because of non-hygienic food preparation, storage, and handling. Consequently, these sauces can be a major source of infection for the person ingesting them. This study sought to identify the different zoonotic protozoans and nematodes that can be found in the street food dipping sauces in Tangub City. Five (5) mL of the dipping sauce were collected and brought to the laboratory for analysis and identification of zoonotic protozoans and nematodes. The findings of the study were subjected to statistical analysis like frequency, percentage, and analysis of variance. Zoonotic protozoans and nematodes were found, namely: Entamoeba histolytica and Ancylostoma duodenale. Entamoeba histolytica was the most commonly occurring organism in all the samples examined and causes harm in the form of a disease such as amoebic colitis. On the other hand, Ancylostoma duodenale was also considered a zoonotic organism. The samples contained significant differences in the numbers of Entamoeba histolytica (p-value 0.0025) in soy sauce and vinegar, while Ancylostoma duodenale (p-value 0.0172) in soy sauce and ketchup. The study concludes that the consumption of street foods dipped in contaminated different sauces can be a venue for zoonotic disease transmission and should be carefully monitored by the local authorities.

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