Search Results for : ethnic communities

Medicinal plants used against epilepsy by the local communities of Sargodha region, Pakistan

Many plants are claimed to be effective to treat epilepsy, but very little knowledge is available about such plants used by various ethnic communities in Pakistan. This study presents the first report on the ethnobomedicinal knowledge among the local communities of Sargodha region, Pakistan in this regards by using quantitative ethnobotanical approaches. 84 aboriginal households […]

Exploration of ethno-botanical uses of major plants species by the local tribal communities of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India

An investigation of ethnomedicinal plants in three districts of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India have been conducted during 2007 to 2012. The indigenous knowledge of local tribes mainly dominated by Kol, Gond and Sahariyas and information regarding native plants used by them have been collected through questionnaire and personal interviews during the field survey. […]

Quorum sensing-inhibition activities of philippine ethnobotanicals against virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

The global health issue of antibiotic resistance has brought about the discovery of a promising approach to control bacteria without developing resistant strains through quorum sensing inhibition (QSI) compounds. Among the most promising sources of novel QSI agents are the ethnobotanicals, plants that are utilized by ethnic communities as sources of medicine. Ten ethnobotanicals from […]

Traditional, medicinal and food uses of Pteridophytes of district Mansehra (Pakistan) and their some adjacent areas

Mansehra is one of the floristically rich and most varied districts of Pakistan, gifted with plentiful pteridophytes diversity. Various ethnic communities residing in district Mansehra and its adjacent localities exhibits unique tradition, dialect and culture. They collect pteridophytes from the wild especially for medicinal purposes, general healthcare, food uses and to meet daily life requirements. […]

Medicinal folk recipes and conservation status of gymnospermic flora for livelihood security of Malam Jabba Valley, Hindu Kush Range, Swat, Pakistan

The Malam Jabba Valley, district Swat has a diverse flora with the spectacular scenic beauty and unspoilt nature that attracts tourists across the globe and makes the valley a paradise for the nature and adventure lovers. Floristically the area is located in Hindu Kush Range, dominated by Sino-Japanese type of vegetation. A detailed investigation was […]