International Journal of Biosciences | IJB |

International Journal of Biosciences | IJB

International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)

International Journal of Biosciences is a globally known ISI journal with high impact factor & cross-reference indexed journal that publishes high-quality original research papers together with review articles and short communication on Biology and related to Biology.

Issue Year :
12 in a year
2220-6655 (Print)
2222-5234 (Online)
Publication Speed :
Fast and Continuous
Publishing Model :
Open access options
Final Submission :
Online submission
Aims and scope

Aims and scope

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document

Menuscript Preparation

Menuscript Preparation

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document

Online Submition

Online Submition

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document

Indexing & Abstructing

Indexing & Abstructing

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document

                    Dr. Ahmad Humayan Kabir

Editor in-Chief

Dr. Ahmad Humayan Kabir ( Associate professor )

BSc and MSc (RU, Bangladesh), MSc (Sweden), PhD (Australia), Postdoc (Sweden)

Depertment of Botany, University of Rajshahi , Motihar, Rajshahi-6205, BANGLADESH

Published Paper

International Journal of Biosciences | IJB |

Open Access Research Paper
Views (973) Download (78)

Study of the antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from pus and urine samples of patients hospitalized at the University Hospital of Mother and Child (CHU-ME) of N’Djamena (Chad)

Ahmat Mahamat Ahmat, Hassan Mahamat Ali, Fissou Henry, Bertille Dewa, Ali Haroun Hissein, Kadidja Gamougam, Adoum Fouda Abderrazzack, Abdelsalam Tidjani, Choua Ouchemi
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 271-278, August 2022.
Open Access Research Paper
Views (97) Download (20)

Influences of climate change on admissions to the emergency department in Al Baha City, KSA: A frequency analysis study

Mona Abdelgadir Ahmed Abuagla, Jamelah Jubran Sultan Alghamdi, Mead Mohammed Mossa Alzahrani, Lama Khader Alghamdi, Yumna Faris Al Qahtani, Lamia Aedh Beses Alghamdi, Lama Ahmed Badi Alghamdi, Raneem Saleh Alghamdi, Shahad Naseeb Alghamdi, Saba Beigh, Basim Othman, Sara Mobarak Alghamdi
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 207-216, November 2024.