Search Results for : seed germination

Effect of hydroponically grown substrates on fodder production under protected environment

Fodder plays an important role in livestock feed to providing required nutrients for milk and meat production. Mostly wheat-grass is cultivated for its seeds, a cereal grain worldwide used as staple food. In Pakistan year-round fodder availability is very important especially in slack period. Hydroponic is an improved method to grow wheat-fodder without soil by […]

Assessment of physiological attributes of safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.) under drought

Safflower is one of the major oilseed crop enriched with various nourishing elements. It helps to full fill the food demand of present population.  For the assessment of drought tolerant cultivars of safflower a completely randomized experiment was designed and performed at department of Botany, Government College University Faisalabad. Eighty accessions of safflower were selected […]

Interactive effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi Glomus intraradices and Trichoderma harzianum against Fusarium wilt of tomato

Biological control agents (BCA) are important as some establish symbiosis with plants hence controlling plant diseases, improving plant nutrients uptake and water absorption. Use of BCA in soil borne disease management is not fully harnessed and is also faced with inconsistencies in developing their formulations. We therefore investigated the use of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungus (AMF), […]

Synergistic effect of weeds extracts on growth parameters of three different cultivars of wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.)

This study was designed to evaluate the synergistic effect of 6 different weeds (Chenopodium album, Avena sativa, Lathyrus sativus, Cirsium arvense, Rumex dentatus, and Phalarus minor) on the growth and related attributes of three cultivars (Faisalabad1, Sahar6 and Galaxy) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Current study aims to exploit the allopathic potential of weeds on […]

Agronomic response of soybean to first and second cropping season cultivation in different agro-climatic zones in Sierra Leone

Field experiments were conducted in 2012 and 2013 rainy season to evaluate the agronomic response of soybean to first and second cropping season cultivation in different agro-climatic zones in Sierra Leone. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a split-plot arrangement with three replications. Cropping seasons (first and second) and soybean genotypes (TGx […]

Evaluation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria role with biochar on the growth of wheat

Deficiency of phosphorus (P)in calcareous soils significantly reduces plant growth and yield. High pH and more Ca availability are major hurdles in the way of phosphorus mobilization in thesoil. The ability of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) to solubilize fixed P for plant uptake is a documented fact. As far as the co-application of PSB and […]

Evaluation of PGPR strains having ACC deaminase activity for their efficacy to induce water stress tolerance in sunflower under varied moisture regimes

Sunflower is an important oil seed crop in Pakistan but incidence of drought stress considerably hampers its growth and productivity. The present pot study was performed to evaluate the potential of PGPR strains having ACC deaminase activity for their efficacy to induce water stress tolerance in sunflower. Ten PGPR strains (KS7, KS8, KS10, KS15, KS17, […]